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Develop an organisation-wide accessible coaching program to maximise the professional presence of leaders, emerging talent and technical professionals.

Company Background: 

Our client is the largest bank in the Southern Hemisphere, providing a variety of financial services including retail, business and institutional banking, funds management, superannuation, insurance, investment and broking services. In 2008, we proposed a new style of coaching program to maximise the professional presence of leaders, talent and technical professionals.

Key Business Challenge: 

How do we offer targeted, high-impact coaching in the midst of the global financial crisis, when a limited budget is available for professional development?

The Back Story: 


Recognising that long and extensive coaching programs were not right for the time, we reimagined the concept of executive coaching into express coaching. Our unique idea brought together the expertise of 5 specialist coaches working with each candidate for 45 min coaching sessions back-to-back during a 3.5 hour period. This condensed approach targeted the core skills of personal impact, physical presence, vocal energy, professional image and provided real-time video feedback via a ‘progressive’ coaching experience.

Outcomes Achieved:


The results were extraordinary with participants appreciating the unique combination of self-reflection, direct feedback and practical skills application to fast-track performance. This program provided a career injection that enabled participants to hone in on their personal skills that would drive their future professional impact. So popular was our express coaching, that the program was delivered twice a month for over a decade, reaching over 1400 individuals between 2008-2018. Leaders continued to refer their team members after finding the program both enjoyable and practical.


Call us today on 1300 407 668.

Let us help you create the ultimate employee experience.


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