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Support the career transition of elite athletes into business, whilst meeting the corporate social responsibility goals of an iconic Australian organisation.

Company Background: 

This Australian conglomerate has interests predominantly in Australia and New Zealand, operating in retail, chemical, fertiliser, industrial and safety products. With revenue of A$30.8 billion and over 100,000 employees, our client is one of the largest companies and employers in Australia. In 2019, we worked together to develop an elite athlete transition program that had long lasting results for both the athletes and organisation.

Key Business Challenge: 

How do we support elite athletes to develop the skills, language and confidence to successfully transition from elite sport into a professional career in business?

The Back Story: 

In 2019, we created an immersive transition pathway, including a 5-day professional development program, 1-month work experience placement and on-the-job coaching and mentoring. The uniqueness of the experience was achieved by bringing together high potential company leaders with elite athletes from a variety of sporting codes including Football, AFL, ARL, Rowing, Cycling, Futsal, Aerial Skiing and Rhythmic Gymnastics into a shared learning experience with 5 specialist coaches.

Outcomes Achieved:


Personal and professional growth played a central role for these outstanding athletes in gaining clarity on their values, strengths and transferable skills. Diversity was embraced, perspectives shared and confidence built as both leaders and athletes focused firmly on their readiness for the future of work. With time dedicated to developing personal impact, communication skills, career management, wellbeing and performance, the experience was enlightening and enriching for all with networks expanded and job opportunities landed for target athletes.  

‘I gained clarity on what is important for my next steps - this is where the elite athletes also provided a counter-balance and perspective, adding much greater value than they appreciated themselves. TH helped my presentation and presence skills which is something that I didn’t come into the program thinking was a development need for me.’  HR Business Leader, Sponsoring Organisation
‘The Transition Hub program gave me so much confidence going into work experience and has given me a kick start into my new career path. What you have created is something special that is truly making a difference in the new world of work.’ Professional Cyclist, now Brand Apparel Executive


Call us today on 1300 407 668.

Let us help you create the ultimate employee experience.


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